We were invited by Hera Barahi (ADRA Nepal Compliance Manager) to his daughter's wedding reception. They had been married a month earlier.
Jenaya and Tiarna with Bisurash (Groom) and Sunti (Bride) and Sunti's Grandmother.

There were around 600 people invited; although they were staggered in the times. Brides family and friends, grooms family and friends etc. Here is the drinks table.

The food was wonderful. This only one side of the continual buffet. We filled up on the 'snacks' then were going to leave and we had to sample the buffet as well.
Here are the girls with Shraddha Barahi (Sunti's elder sister). She studies at the Kennedy School, Harvard University in USA. She is doing her Masters in International Development.
It is not Bisurash but it is Bishwas