Thursday, January 21, 2010

Girls School

Tiarna and Jenaya have begun school at Kathmandu International Study Centre (KISC).
They had a 2.5 hours of assessment tests covering the "three R's"(breaks in between) and have been placed into Grade 5 and 3 respectively.
Tiarna's Classroom.
Jenaya's Classroom.
The school is around 10-15 minutes walk and around 5-10 minute drive... that tells you something of the traffic issues here.
As you can see it is rather cold here at the moment. The girls have thermal singlets on as well!
There are around 70 students at the school (K-12). The high school have different times to the primary school with staggered recess and lunch times as well.
The primary school classrooms are on the bottom two floors (with a PE and Art room around the side in another building). There is a basketball court on the roof with an enclosed wire roof over the court (it would be a LONG walk to get a 'lost ball' otherwise!).
There is an assembly hall with another b'ball court / 2 badminton courts as well. Around the left hand side are two grassed areas with trees.
KISC also has a teacher training centre where rural teachers come for further training.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting - I hope the girls settle in well to their new school. (Neroli)
