I visited the Khokana Leprosy Colony in which ADRA Nepal has been working for many years. There are many positive initiatives here including income generation as well as continued medical support. There are many children of former leprosy patients that continue to live here as there is no other place to live for them.
These residents could tell some stories. If only I could speak Nepali. This lady has specially made shoes that help her to walk around. Even though most of the residents are older, they still do a large amount of work in order to keep their animals.This mill is used to add value to the rice, corn and wheat that are grown here. The product is both used by the residents as well as sold for cash.
Simon is the ADRA Nepal Country Director. Marilyn is from a nursing background and would love to be doing some clinical work again after working in the HIV sector for three years. Tiarna is 10 and Jenaya is 8. They go to KISC school.
We like to complain for what we don't have, but ain't we very, very lucky???